Heaven’s Above


What is it about Heaven’s Above that makes it different from other apartment buildings in Mumbai? Is it the tragedy that happened here many, many years ago that has somehow reached into the present?

The ripples of that ancient event touch and change many lives in Heaven’s Above. Attempted murder, illegal money, infidelity, kidnapping, abuse, love and bereavement – all these and more find their paths entwined as a holy man gathers together the threads of their lives and by so doing frees himself.

By turns amusing, intriguing exciting and poignant, the lives of these everyday inhabitants of Mumbai are explored with sympathy, warmth and affection that draws the reader not just willingly but eagerly into their world.

Heaven‘s Above was previously published by Jaico in India with a different cover, shown here. This new, updated edition has been published in the UK and amongst other things now includes a glossary.
